
My name is Tyler Hogarth, technology professional and I’ve worked as a graphic designer, video editor, software engineer and engineering manager.

When I was 16 I learned how to use the Adobe design suite and shortly after I started Purple Shoe, the name I’ve worked under for years. I did freelance graphic design but yearned for more, so I learned how to use the Adobe video suite and added video editing to my portfolio and the list of services I offered. At 20, I found myself wanting to do more so I decided to pick up software development.

My design background gave me an edge in the apps that I developed but more than that, it got me to think and feel creatively. Moving into software development forced me to think analytically, to solve problems objectively. Being a manager has shown me how important culture and teamwork really are.

I have started and successfully failed multiple companies, projects, and hustles and I am convinced my tombstone will read:

“Here lies Tyler Hogarth, who had more grit than talent.”

I am obsessive in my pursuit to conquor bordom and complacancy so I tend to fill my days, evenings and weekends with work and study of some kind. Because of this, my experience is wide and my interests wider still.

Through this blog I hope to document these subjects simply,for myself and others who might be curious about them.

From The Blog

Book Summary: The Infinite Game

Very much a summary from my own lens, someone who wants to become a better leader. Someone who…
FIRE: Start Here

FIRE: Start Here

The FIRE movement, or Financially Independent Retire Early, is the simple idea that you, yes you, can become…
Buzzword Glossary

Buzzword Glossary

Thanks to globalization and so many people with diverse skill sets, we're finding ourselves trying to simplify things…